About Us

About Us
The Beautiful and Useful Studio is based in Sydney and we work around the world.
Our priorities are our democratic and inclusive approach to art making, and collaborating with unique partners to help tell important stories.
We love human made objects, and deliberately embody 'the touch of the artist's hand' into everything we create.
We are passionate about Diverse Stories: First Nations, LGBTQI+, Art for Children, and Sustainability.
We are very serious about fun.
Led by artist Matthew Aberline, we are known for our extravagant use of colour and print in our art textiles, which we transform into sculpture.
Collaboration is at the heart of the studio, we love sharing our incredible skills base with diverse communities to help them share their stories in new and powerful ways.
We manufacture everything we create ourselves.

Matthew Aberline
Creative Lead / Artist


Christina Chan
The Beautiful and Useful Studio
Unit 2 / 414 Botany Rd, Beaconsfield NSW 2015